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29 Dec 2022


29 Dec 2022

Our followers and supporters will be delighted to know that all the hard work of the past 2 years has resulted in the Newland’s (the developers), warehouse planning application being REFUSED. 

Now the countryside around Junction 7 can continue to be enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, residents and businesses. This result shows that people really care about the environment and want to preserve the important landscape in this area. Thanks so much for the support and interest shown in this proposal – it really made a difference. Read below for fuller information:

’In his summary the planning Inspector stated: I accept that the proposed amount of floorspace is justified with reference to sub regional and local demand. However, my findings on the degree of landscape and visual harm arising from the scheme reflect both the extent of ground works required and its scale and massing when set against the site’s constraints. These matters have not been satisfactorily resolved through mitigation in accordance with policy. The extent of harm arising from the appeal scheme’s adverse landscape and visual impacts is the determining issue in this appeal. I conclude that the degree of harm caused by this scheme would be of such significance that it conflicts with Policies EM1 and EP1g) of the Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan 2016. 114. Having considered all the evidence before me the proposal conflicts with the Development Plan when taken as a whole and there are no material considerations to outweigh this finding. For this reason, the appeal is dismissed.’

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