8 Jan 2024
8 Jan 2024
Letters of Objection to this third Planning Application by Newlands, the developers, should be sent by 23rd January 2024.
You can repeat what you said last time and/or talk about the Inspector’s refusal on landscape grounds. Most important is the number of objections sent so you could just say ‘I object’.
The planning reference is: 23/03120/FUL and the address is: https://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/comment-on-a-planning….
Please check that neighbours who may not have email, know the postal address – Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Civic Offices, London Rd., Basingstoke, RG21 4AH.
Thank you for your continued support – it’s rather like David and Goliath as the developers have such huge financial resources but twice before their applications have been turned down so let’s keep going…